Monday, January 4, 2016

What Will You Be Doing in 2016?

It's a new year and we here at The Duke Ellington Express have a question for you.  What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2016? A Resolution is a promise or a goal that you make for yourself.
Even though goals are hard to achieve and take a lot of work, the best way to start accomplishing them is to write them down. Start with at least 5 or 10. Then look at them everyday and get to work!  An example of a resolution that a students may have is to score a 4 on the upcoming English Language Arts or Math exam. For an adult, a resolution could be to eat healthier.  It all starts with the first step!  The first step is to write them at a time.

Good luck!  We'd love to hear one of your resolutions!  Share them in the comment section of this blog post.

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