Monday, October 3, 2011

An Open Letter From Coach Harris

Dear PS4 Basketball Players,

I am very happy that you have been chosen to represent PS 4 as members of the basketball team. You should be proud of yourselves. I do want you to know that with this privilege comes great responsibility. Not only will you be responsible for completing your school work and homework, but you will also be asked to conduct yourselves as gentleman and student-athletes. As student-athletes, there should be no reports of you talking back to your teachers or disrespecting adults in any manner. Please keep in mind that as a Duke Ellington School student-athlete, you represent yourself and your school. Please also keep in mind that your position is not guaranteed. Should you not fulfill your obligation as a student-athlete you may lose your position and it could be given to someone else. With all that being said, let's have fun, win some games and bring a championship home to PS 4!

Your Basketball Coach,
Coach Harris

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