Monday, March 7, 2011

Joke of the Week!

Question: What's brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?

A coconut on vacation!

Special thanks goes to 5th grader Edison V. for suggesting that we feature a joke each week! Click here to see more jokes like this one! If you have a joke that you would like to share, post it in the comment section below.


Unknown said...

Here are some jokes.
Where do horses a neigh-borhood

Antonio Castro said...

Here are some suugestion for jokes like "what color is a burp"
"burple" "what kind of dance do you do a tampoline" " hip hop" " whats black and white and red all over it" "a zebra with a rash" "Why was the broom late for work" "beacuse he over-swept".

Anonymous said...

good one edison!!!